Posts tagged Nutrition
A Simple Guide to Your Nutrition

Nutrition in 120 words

Eat lots of protein, veggies, and healthy fats. The best protein sources are wild fish and meat that is grass-fed, antibiotic & hormone-free. Focus on nutrient-dense vegetables (those with dark or bright colors) and save the starchy ones like sweet potatoes and yams--if you need them--for post-workout meals. Go for organic on veggies that don't have peels or shells to protect them--and us--from pesticides. Whole fruits, not fruit juices, and preferably fresh, not dried. And remember, avocados, nuts, and coconuts are your friends. Eat SOME fruits, but don't go overboard. Some people have particular sensitivities to eggs, nuts, tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers. Pay attention to these foods to determine if you feel discomfort after eating them.

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Healthy Nutrition

Choose to eat real food – fresh, natural food like meat, vegetables, and fruit. Choose foods with high levels of naturally occurring vitamins and minerals over foods with more calories but less nutrition. Food quality is important – be careful about where the meat, seafood, and eggs come from, and buy local organic produce as often as possible.

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Top 10 Life Behaviors for Your Best Health & Wellness

These are the ten things you should be doing before anything else. I always advocate for these BEFORE I give out advice on workout plans, nutrition timing strategies, special supplement routines, etc.

Get the basics done better and you will reap more benefits. Hopefully seeing these items listed again will reinforce their importance.

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