Affiliate Disclosure

No ads? How does this website earn money?

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I earn a small commission on referred sales of products that I've personally reviewed. This commission contributes to keeping my content free of ads.

While compensation may affect which companies I write about or products that I review, these partners don't consider, approve, or endorse my content.

I will only recommend excellent things, and I test everything first or rely on opinions from others I trust. No exceptions.

How I handle Affiliates

When I find a product that I use and like, and think it could help others, I check if the company has an "affiliate program." That is, do they pay publishers or existing customers to refer new customers to them.

If they do have an affiliate program, I'll make a point of using a specific link to the product so that the site can get credit for the new customers.

But the key to my sense of ethics is that I must never let the presence of an affiliate program affect which products I recommend. I recommend products based on personal research and experience.