Top Ten Life Behaviors for Health

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The Top Ten Life Behaviors for Health

These are the ten things you should be doing before anything else. I really advocate for these BEFORE I give out advice on workout plans, nutrition timing strategies, special supplement routines, etc.

Get the basics done better and you will reap more benefits.

There’s nothing on this list you haven’t seen before, but hopefully seeing them again will help to reinforce their importance.

  1. Don't smoke

  2. Always wear a seatbelt and a helmet

  3. Learn to fall without getting hurt
    These first three prevent injuries. These are about preventing bad things from having a big impact on you when they happen.

  4. Eat more protein

  5. Eat more fiber

  6. Drink more water

  7. Take fish oil

  8. Make your bed every day

  9. Floss everyday. It's good for your heart also
    This six optimize your health. These are the first things for you to focus on.

  10. Train for more muscle and better joint Mobility BEFORE anything else
    This last one is the only one about actual physical training. Hopefully that speaks to it’s importance! Many people get this list out of order—they rank this point high on the list before the others, when it belongs here.

Keep these in mind as you take care of your health and fitness. Message me with question, disagreements, or ideas. :)

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