Routine for Healthy Batch Cooking

If you’re new, welcome! And welcome back to repeat viewers. Thanks for taking the time for today’s post. I write and create everything myself so you’ll find things very straightforward and to-the-point here. Hope you enjoy!

First, make sure you keep it simple. Too often people get tripped up by trying to meal prep 17 different menu options and simultaneously create this week's lunch and next week's slow cooker recipe. You can certainly work up to this but it's too much to start with. Also, don’t think that you have to do the entire routine—if you’re short on time, just focus on doing what you can.

Create a system.  I like to use Google Calendar for this. Simply create a calendar event that repeats regularly so that you can consistently go to the store buy all the groceries you need and make food for you and your family ahead of time.

The way that I do it is to order my groceries online and then pick them up at the store the next day. So I create a  calendar event at the time of pickup with an alert the day before to remind me to order.

When it comes to ordering groceries online I find that it's best to have a complete grocery list that you can work your way down the list and order everything you need. When I first started ordering groceries online I did not do this and I often forgot things.

Side note: Ordering groceries online is fantastic! You can get exactly what you need without being exposed to any of the sales tactics that the store uses to get you to over-consume or to buy things you didn't want in the first place. While you're wearing pajama pants you can order everything you need to support your health and fitness. In the second week you do it it's even easier because you can go from the first week's list.

Here’s an example of the grocery list I use to order online. Use this as an example to start your own complete grocery list.

>> Grocery List and Spice & Sauces

Bonus: if you have everything on this list, you can make everything on

Alternatively, you could create a calendar event for the time it takes for you to travel to the store and do the grocery shopping and return and put the groceries away.

I like to add the location of the grocery store so that I can always do a quick traffic check, and set it as a repeating event so that I can always ensure time to buy what I need.

My calendar event repeats weekly and includes the links to my grocery list, the online grocery ordering service, and a spreadsheet that I used to track the prices so that I always get a good deal.

More info

I've also written a guide on weekly batch cooking. Check it out here

>> A Weekly Routine for Creating Healthy Meals

The goal of this guide is to provide you with a simple routine to help you create healthy meals. We will stick to recipes with few ingredients and few steps to minimize challenge for you.


  • Creating an efficient system

  • Planning Ahead

  • The 'GRID'

  • Action Steps

  • Recipes

  • Kitchen Routine

  • BONUS: Super Simple Salads System


Finally here's a few tips that you can start doing right away

  • Pre-Plan your food for the week. Planning ahead keeps things simple! Take the time to think ahead on what meals you’ll eat and what ingredients you need.

  • If you feel like you never have time for cooking, it’s probably because you haven’t prepared your food ahead of time. If you know you’re going to be busy later, slice up your veggies, marinate your protein, and get everything ready to go the night before.

  • Instead of storing leftovers in one large tupperware, portion them out in smaller, grab-and-go containers. So simple...but it saves a lot of time and makes life a whole lot easier!

  • Prep your meals for the week ahead of time. plan ahead for when you know you are going to be eating out or spending time with family or friends and make sure that you eat healthy on all the other days. Remember if you keep healthy food in the fridge, you will eat healthy food!

Even more info

If you want info on WHAT to eat, check out my Simple Guide to Your Nutrition

>> A Simple Guide to Your Nutrition


  • Five Ways to Boost Performance Now

  • Suggested Meal Timing & Sizes / Ratios

  • Portion Size

  • Shopping List

  • Beverages

  • Terminology

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