I was a podcast guest: Life on Earth - Episode 3

Guest on the Life on Earth podcast

I was a guest on a podcast called Life on Earth, created by my friend Ed Kiester. Long ago, he and I met at an athletic club and quickly clicked with long talks while Ed avoided his workout and I avoided boredom during my work shift.

Ed is a very interesting guy and his podcast sounded like a hit, so I accepted his invite right away.

More about the podcast, Life on Earth

Life on Earth is a podcast based on finding the best "you". No one podcast can solve your problems. There isn't one TV show or internet video that is the answer to all that ails you. Your life is probably a mess of hot nonsense. Well, take comfort, so are everyone else's lives. Welcome to Life On Earth. A podcast brought to you with the idea of beginning conversations with physical/spiritual/mental health professionals and allowing them the forum to deliver their message.

Hosts: Ed Kiester and Adam Bailey

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It was a fun time talking with these guys. Enjoy this 70 minute episode. I hope to be back on for some more in-depth training details discussion

Here are some topics we covered in our conversation

  • Is your exercise selection counterproductive?

  • Avoiding impossible tasks

  • Including your “Environmental load” when training

  • How a lack of proficiency sabotages fitness results

  • My three pillars of coaching

  • The three main goals any program should include

  • Misleading market forces derailing your progress

  • The importance of education for BS detection

  • Self-sabotage

  • “Cheerleading” ourselves

  • Why the last rep matters

  • The speed of our self-narrative

  • How big challenges let us feel okay about failing

  • Paper Tigers and Dust on the Horizon

  • Fitness spiraling out to the rest of your life

  • Making slight adjustments AKA the changing the compass heading

Life on Earth Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5KoeTIw6gjWySjO0u0EAxZ?si=88tYNFw3QQyaqNjHwtVOUA&dl_branch=1

Life on Earth on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/life-on-earth-episode-3-trainer-from-nike-campus/id1538632220?i=1000498709394

PS here’s a video of my box jumps that Ed mentions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJ9F6WBCJf4

And, just a reminder, I’m putting together a new client cohort starting in the second week of October. This is specifically for committed people who want to lose (and keep off) 10 lbs of fat in the next 10 weeks by learning proper exercise techniques & nutrition habits.

If that’s you, message me with ‘tell me more’ and I’ll share the details of this exciting program.

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