Joey Dussel

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The 'Mindless Margin'

Mindless Margin

Today’s post is about the zone in which you do not notice if you eat slightly more calories or slightly fewer calories.  

Consider this:  if you eat 1,000 calories less than you needed each day, you will feel weak, lightheaded and cranky.  You would notice this! And if you eat 1,000 calories more than you needed each day, you would notice this too—you would feel tired, slower and sleepy! And your body would store the extra calories as body fat.

However, your body will not notice if you eat 1,900 calories instead of 2,000 calories, nor will it notice if you eat 2,100 calories instead of 2,000 calories. 

That is why it is called the mindless margin—it is completely undetectable. You don’t feel better if you eat it, and you don’t feel deprived if you don’t.

You can trim 100-200 calories from your diet and never miss them! And you can slowly but steadily lose weight in the process.

Here are a few ideas to help you start thinking about initiating this simple fitness strategy in your diet.  

You will come up with other ways that are specific to your particular lifestyle.  The objective is to trim a few calories every place you can without really noticing it.

  • For calorie-laden liquid beverages, fill your glass only 75% full, rather than all the way to the brim. You can start by only taking 90%, then 85, then 80, etc.

  • Even better, replace one glass of calorie-rich beverage each day with water.

  • Share one-third of your french fries with someone else at the table.

  • Dish out 10-20% less food onto your plate.

  • Reduce your heaping spoon of sugar to a level one for your coffee. Or swap your measuring spoon for another smaller spoon.

  • Ask the waiter to bring you fewer bread rolls instead of a full basket.

  • Never eat a whole dessert by yourself; always split it with someone or save it for a second experience.

  • Remove most junk food from your home & office and replace it with your favorite raw fruits, veggies and nuts.

  • Never eat directly out of the bag or box. Decide how much you want to eat, then put twenty percent of that back in and put the bag or box away.

  • Wait to go back for seconds. Appetite and hunger cravings can be managed by giving some time for your stomach to ‘catch up’ to what you’ve just eaten.

Which strategy will be most helpful? That’s different for every individual & family. Some of these will be easier than others, and you might have already thought of some of your own ideas. That’s great! Now start implementing them.

You don’t have to be perfect to start.

Figuring out where to start can be as hard as starting itself. But maybe I can help you will that. Just so you know, I’m putting together a new client cohort starting in the second week of October. This is specifically for committed people who want to lose (and keep off) 10 lbs of fat in the next 10 weeks by learning proper exercise techniques & nutrition habits.

If that’s you, message me with ‘tell me more’ and I’ll share the details of this exciting program.

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