Joey Dussel

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First steps for your wellness

If you’re new, welcome! Or welcome back to repeat viewers. Thanks for taking the time for today’s post. I write and create everything myself so you’ll find things very straightforward and to-the-point here. Hope you enjoy it!

First steps for your wellness

These guidelines will get you 90% of the way towards great health if you execute consistently. Do these first, do them well, and do them often. Then you can think about the things beyond these.

If doing all of these things seems like a lot, choose one to really nail down, then move onto the next.

  • Half of your plate should be vegetables, quarter carbs, and quarter protein.

  • Some kind of protein with every meal you eat.

  • Reduce alcohol, increase water.

  • Limit junk foods portions, but everything in moderation. You don’t want to be miserable, this all about sustainability, but snacking every night can add up. Choose your favorite treat and ditch the rest.

  • Get 7-8 hours of sleep every night and be consistent. Go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time every day including weekends.

  • Manage your stress levels. Meditate, talk it out, force positivity on yourself, whatever it may be. It can take some time to figure out what works best for you but that’s ok. Stress is a killer of weight loss, so just keep that in mind. In this same vein, be kind to yourself. Don’t judge yourself. Allow your inner voice to be a source of positivity and not negativity.

  • Move every day. This can be anything that you enjoy and makes you sweat. This doesn’t need to be for a long time to maintain your wellness. Go longer or more often to make a change in your body/health. Again, the key is the consistency, don’t even worry about what it is, do anything that makes you move every day.

If you check off these boxes consistently, you’ll be most of the way there. Nothing else matters at this point, get the basics down.

I have tons of resources to support your health & fitness effort here on my website. Check them out if you haven’t already. It took me years to build and it's a one-man show so I’m fiercely proud of it.

Also, please consider sharing with anyone you know who would appreciate no-nonsense health and fitness information. I am not trying to be a ‘guru’ or just a sexy muscle guy Instagram account. I’m here to help others towards their own best health.

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