Amazing Client Testimonial - all non-scale results!

Today I have to share this awesome testimonial I received from a client. This is a brag, but I’m very proud right now! I LOVE knowing I can have this kind of positive effect on people! And, I just want to point out, these are all non-scale results aka not about how much your body weighs or it’s other dimensions like waist circumference.

Check it out below, along with some other testimonials, and see more here >

I have been very impressed with Joey. He is educated regarding injury, nutrition, and fitness. He proactively contacted me, yet he has never been "salesy." He has also been patient and flexible. I look forward to continuing to work with him over the coming months, and I would not have had he not been so fantastic.

Joey has made a huge impact on my life. He gives me a reason to wake up and work out. I feel better about the way I look. I feel better mentally and physically. I have a huge sense of accomplishment when I wake up early, get to the gym, and work hard, all before most people think about starting their day.

I can do this because I am motivated to see Joey, who can make even the most difficult workout enjoyable. He is always so positive and enthusiastic. He makes me feel good about myself.

He makes me feel confident in my ability and always celebrates my progress. He makes me feel like I can do anything. Joey is a very special person and a terrific coach.

He helps me start every day off on the right foot, ready to tackle anything that comes my way.

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