2018 Review and 2019 Plans

Welcome and thanks for taking the time for today’s post. I write and create everything myself so you’ll find things very straightforward and to-the-point here. Hope you enjoy!

Happy Holidays! Hope 2018 went well for you and that 2019 looks bright! In this message, I have included some highlights from my year along with my plans for next year.

2018 in Review

2018 was a busy year! I haven't been writing or posting or even talking much because of the other work and activities I was filling my time with.

Highlights from 2018

  • Trip to Disneyland

  • Multiple days snowboarding

  • Rafting the Grande Ronde River

  • Biking on mountain trails, Mackenzie Pass, and the Crater Lake Rime

  • Visiting beautiful natural places in Oregon like the Lake of the Woods, Silver Falls, and Blue Pool

  • Traveling to Mexico for a week near Thanksgiving


Rewarding activities

  • Leading group fitness classes & Dryland Swim Team physical training at VillaSport

  • Launching my self-employment company for online health and fitness coaching

  • Started practicing Brazilian jiu-jitsu again in August

  • Started a new job in December (small group training) at BioForce Family Fitness

My Biggest Victory of the Year

I started my own company this year! An online health & fitness coaching business. :) I did it solo so I am fiercely proud of it. I was getting frustrated because the expense of working with me in the gym one-on-one was a barrier for a lot of clients, and I moved a few times so my clients kept losing access to me before we were done training.

So I started online health & fitness coaching by writing clients programs and supporting them digitally during the times they weren’t with me in the gym. It grew and I improved it until I left my job to take this side project to full time.

It took me nearly a year to build everything the way I want it but now I’m spending my time coaching directly to clients. I have an extensive exercise demonstration video library, an app for delivering individualized programs & tracking progress, and tons of resources to support clients. The really exciting part is being able to do a better job for clients while working for myself rather than someone else and my clients get great results working remotely with me. And I can finally take care of friends and family easily. I am always here to offer you answers for health & fitness questions you have.

It’s been a lot of work but well worth it. Things are going well now.

Here's some shameless self-promotion :)
Check out this website for free great health and fitness info (www.joeydussel.com) and my other website for details on my online health & fitness coaching (www.transformation-possible.com). I built them both so please let me know if I have any typos.

I know New Years can be a time of health & fitness commitments, so please share with anyone you know who would appreciate no-nonsense health and fitness information. I am not trying to be a ‘guru’ Instagram account to follow. Most of the time I can’t stand those types! I’m here to help others towards own best health.

Here’s the logo of my company Summa System Health & Fitness Training, LLC

Plans for Next Year

I'm going to start writing again! My daily blog "Fitness Today" is coming back! I aim to write content that you’ll enjoy and can use to your advantage. I won't push tired fitness memes or repackaged content from others.

I do it all the writing, editing, and posting myself it's already about as short and to-the-point as it can be. There’s no useless filler and I’m not trying to prove how smart I am like other authors you may be familiar with.

Fitness Today Daily Blog

1. There are few images. Speeds things up.
2. There is no metadata. No statistics. No analytics. No user data. I don’t do any keyword research and I don’t give a seconds thought to specific phrasings to help something rank in Google.
I don’t really follow analytics on this site. I’m not trying to cater to fads with what I write here.
3. Simple category structure.
Each article has categories. They were chosen from the start and are simple and not optimized but are helpful for readers and easy to follow.

Here's a schedule and preview of what you can expect: interesting written posts, news, health & fitness information on these topics:
- Mobility & Motivation Monday
- Tip Tuesday
- Wednesday Boost
- Thursday Anything
- Food Friday

In 2019, I'll be starting with 2-3 posts a week and work up from there to 5x weekly.

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Daily delivery of easy to digest info to help cut through the vast amount of conflicting health and fitness information. Interesting, informative, and intriguing audio, video, or written posts.

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