Frequently Asked Questions

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For years I have offered to “answer your #1 biggest fitness question” and created a simple form for collecting questions. Check out the questions I’ve answered already, then submit your own!

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First FAQ - What is the first health & fitness advice you share?

First: Nutrition is more than 3x more important than workouts. Here's the reason why: simple math. Three meals a day, times seven days in a week = 21. Workouts in the same week might be 7, 6, 5, 4...1, or zero. Nutrition is 3x (or more) impactful than training because it happens 3x (or more) times per day.

Second: What you don't do might be more impactful than what you do. Taking away a negative behavior/action/habit can be more valuable (and usually more accessible) than adding a positive behavior/action/habit. For example, removing unhealthy foods is less complicated than adding unfamiliar healthy foods. Another example: removing an hour of lousy posture or desk time daily is smarter than adding an hour of posture work or stretching/mobility.

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I’ll answer your #1 biggest fitness question. Ask anonymously and I’ll share the response on the blog and social media, or include your info and I will message you directly.
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