Now FMS Level 2 Certified!

Functional Movement Screen

I am proud to announce that I am now Functional Movement System Level 2 certified - another phenomenal program to go along with all of my other training knowledge. The Functional Movement Screen (FMS) comprises a group of seven movement tests performed to assess necessary mobility and stability for athletes and ‘regular’ people.  Level 1 is all about screening to identify issues, and Level 2 is what to do about those issues.

From the FMS website

The FMS is our tool for standardized movement screening to see how an individual, regardless of age, is moving in everyday life. It considers mobility and stability and equips the professional with information to make programming decisions with precision and purpose. 
How does the FMS help with programming decisions? It identifies patterns the individual moves well in, which can be developed or loaded. But it also identifies patterns that are not ideal and need to be protected and corrected. In other words, there is no more guessing! At the end of an FMS, you will have valuable information for that individual to create a program specific to them to foster an environment to meet their goals and keep them healthy.

Without proper mobility and stability, we are more prone to injury.  The better we move and the more stable we are, the less compensation we have to make, which tends to mean a lower risk of injury.  The FMS is a vital screen for anyone participating in physical activity, exercise, sports, or physically challenging work. 

Correction of your imbalances should be your first priority to keep you injury free whether you want to improve for life, golf, running triathlons, or weightlifting workouts. If your body cannot appropriately handle its demands, compensation will occur, leading to injury.

I have used the FMS Level 1 screening principles for years as part of my initial assessment process for new online health & fitness coaching through Transformation Possible Online Health Coaching. Level 1 is all about screening to identify issues, and Level 2 is what to do about those issues.

The FMS score enables me to pinpoint errors in movement capacity and recommend specific corrective exercises to address the imbalances BEFORE injuries develop (or to avoid making things worse). Individualized movement recommendations will be created for home programs, and the screen can be re-administered as objective criteria of progression in mobility and stability.

Now, with the L2 in my toolbox. clients will have access to an unrivaled level of movement assessment and coaching from anywhere in the world. My online health & fitness coaching is available now with space for seven (7) more clients. Check out Transformation Possible Online Health Coaching at for all the details.

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