Cookie Cutter Fitness

Problems with a cookie cutter approach

Since the same basic principles apply to nearly everyone, often gyms and personal trainers will use the same training template for everyone. This is an easy trap to fall into. However, this is foolish since everyone is different when it comes to applying those basic principles.  

Fitness advice has to be custom-tailored for you

Magazines and websites like Muscle & Fitness, Shape, or Men’s Health don’t know anything about you. 

That P90X video doesn’t know anything about you. 

Those YouTube ‘trainers’ don’t know anything about you. 

How can you tell that their recommendations apply to you? How do you know if they are any good for you? That’s where I come in. I know fitness, and I’ll know you once you tell me all about yourself; and then I’ll connect the dots to provide recommendations and strategies.

Strategies are greater than recommendations

What’s the difference between strategies and recommendations?

  • Examples of recommendations are ‘eating _____ servings of vegetables’ or ‘get _____ hours of sleep each night’. These are useful, but just knowing what to do is not good enough. In fact, you probably know most of them already.
  • Strategies deal with how to achieve those recommendations. How to prepare vegetables in a tastier way or a before-bed routine that improves sleep quality. This is where the real power is.

If you already know what to do. I’ll help you make it happen. 

If you don’t already know what to do, I’ll teach you and then help to make it happen.