More Monday: Resources for You + FAQs

👋 Hello and welcome! Thanks for taking the time for today’s post. Today I offer more information about myself. If this isn’t interesting to you, skip it and head to my other information pages (linked below). Hope you enjoy it!

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s your story? How did you start with health & fitness coaching?

When I was young, I was very small and lacked strength. I was competitive and played sports but I am not a super athlete. I was only able to play competitively because I poured so much focus on technique and strategy.

Then I discovered competitive group exercise and I experienced a dramatic change I never would have thought I had the capacity to achieve. I applied the same focus on technique and experienced great results. The strength, capacity, and self-confidence I gained from those workouts changed my life. I had built up over time until I was routinely doing things I never thought I’d be able to do. Lift, jump, bodyweight, barbells, sandbags, etc.

I was so enamored with the feelings I was experiencing that I decided I wanted to help other people achieve the same feelings. Help them get fit and feel healthy. I thought it was so great that I wanted to become great at helping others get it also.

I went to college for Exercise & Sports Science with additional study in Nutrition. During my college years and since, I have coached individuals, groups, youth, teen, adult & older clients, athletes and post-rehab, and regular people regaining their health.

Nothing makes me happier than knowing I was involved in someone having a better life. I use my knowledge and skill to work with normal people to find what works most effectively with each individual.

I've been helping people change their health & fitness with coaching since 2007. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Applied Exercise Science with an additional focus on Nutrition, while also being a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist through the National Strength & Conditioning Association. I have worked closely with many great fitness professionals who have been gracious enough to share what they know and owned and directed personal training studios.

Over years of coaching, I have learned there is no one ‘system’ that works for everyone—but there is something out there for everyone. My job as a coach is to know a lot about health & fitness and to know a lot about the client, and then help them make the right changes and make it stick.

Is there a preferred client type you like to train/teach?

Short answer: Young or new fitness participants (first timer exercises), and weight loss for health.

I love the determination and grit of Athletes as this makes them exciting clients — but I really enjoy the spark from clients getting results for their life & wellness. I like making a big impact so I find the most reward from helping people who are new to fitness (or renewing their fitness) by getting them on the right path. I have a serious focus on education in all coaching that I do. Always explaining 'the why'.

I also love helping regain health. Usually, this is working for fat loss through diet + strength training for muscle mass + mobility for joint integrity. And here I like to teach the clients how to build up to doing it on their own.

The people who have the most to gain always attracted me the most. I'm much more into helping someone lose a 'second chin' than I am helping them get a 'second championship'.

It's fantastic to coach great participants to even higher levels, but (for me) it's more rewarding to help people achieve things they didn't think they could.

Whether for health, wellness, or fitness; my coaching focuses on (1) companionship in their best interest, (2) a sense of achievement (3) a source of motivation & positivity, and (4) the celebration of them (progress/ability/effort).

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