Get to know me (new About Me page)

About Me

Check this out if you haven’t already. On that page, you can find my story, a great little write-up from an interview I did in college, and my qualifications & experience. 😀

If you want, you can listen to my story on Episode 2B of my podcast, Two Dumbbells and a Microphone

When I was young, I was skinny and weak. I participated in sports, only being competitive by focusing overwhelmingly on technique and strategy. Then I discovered competitive group exercise. I applied the same focus on technique and experienced great results. It was dramatic beyond what I thought I could achieve. The strength, capacity, and self-confidence I gained from those workouts changed my life. After a time, I was routinely and repeatedly doing things I never thought I could do even once! I was so enamored with what I was experiencing that I decided to help others achieve the same results. Nothing makes me happier than knowing I helped someone improve their entire life.

“Nothing makes me happier than knowing I was involved in someone having a better life.”

Since 2007 I've been helping people change their health & fitness. I have coached individuals, groups, youth, teen, adult & older clients, athletes, and post-rehab, and helped many "normal" people regain their health. Over years of coaching, I have learned there is no one 'system' that works for everyone—but there is something out there for everyone.

I specialize in helping motivated adults develop new lifelong habits to regain their health with individualized coaching including education, guidance, support, and accountability. Formerly coaching in-person at Nike to individuals and small groups, I am now self-employed with my online health & fitness coaching. When I’m not in a fitness facility, I’ll be practicing martial arts (BJJ) or enjoying some outdoor recreation like hiking, biking, rafting, climbing, snowboarding, etc.

Nephews joining me on a driveway workout. ❤️💪🏼

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