Back in Business!! Catastrophe avoided!

Great News!

You may have noticed that recently I have not been publishing as much content as I usually do. That's because I've been trying to recover my media library! I’m happy to announce success!

Always do your backups! I had a hard drive directory fail, but thankfully I could recover all my content! It just took a long time!!

That drive was over five years of exercise demonstration footage and other health & fitness media.

1.3 TERAbytes! Most of it was published, while some of it was never before seen.

The Two Minute Tuesday collection is part of the footage that was compromised initially, so if you enjoy that series, look forward to its resumption.

And because of this near catastrophe, I upgraded my entire backup operation. A new big ‘ole main drive. With optimized format. Adjusted some settings. And then organized all my libraries much better than ever before.

Everything is at my fingertips like I have never had before. And I don't mean to sound boastful, but there is just so much media I've created it's hard to manage all of it sometimes.

Stay tuned for lots more to come!

P.S. I highly recommend the service BackBlaze for a cloud backup of your entire hard drive & any external hard drives you choose. I have no $$ affiliate with them, just a regular customer. A highly satisfied customer

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