Joey Dussel

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Transformation Possible is open for new clients right now

Space for seven

Transformation Possible Online Health Coaching offers a 12-week workout commitment designed to motivate you through individualized coaching and community-based accountability. is my online health & fitness coaching. Built from scratch over years, it’s now better than ever! If you can’t tell, I’m very proud of it!

What is online health & fitness coaching?

TPOHC is individualized coaching for men and women of all fitness levels who want to rejuvenate their bodies and develop full-body health. TPOHC is a complete health program.

Leveraging the power of the internet and cutting out the overhead costs of the gym means that you get more. Using online communication tools, I empower you with more accountability and support than I ever could in-person.

I'll meet you where you are at and help you towards your finish line with positive and empowering guidance, accountability, and support. I use my knowledge and skill to help people find what works most effectively for them.

Read more here:

What sets Transformation Possible Online Health Coaching apart?

These strengths of my coaching set it above other online coaching options. Six main components support my ability to be the best coach for you.

Expect top-level coaching focused on your health over everything else. It’s just you and I working together, so we have your best interests at heart. I care about getting results for you, with a balance between safety and effectiveness.


  • Texture over polish. Keeping it real. You get the real me, not some ‘optimized’ persona. Not perfect and not pretending.

  • One-on-one. Just you and me--no team. No crew, staff, or handlers.

  • You’re more important than me — your results matter most. I don’t want the attention of a guru or champion of fitness.

  • I’m here to help you with your own best health. Everything I say and recommend, I do.


  • No Ads. No sponsorships. No promoted posts or boosted BS. No filters on pictures. No stock images. No ‘clickbait’ titles.

  • No hard sales, pain points, trickery, advertising click-funnels, search engine optimization, or email autoresponder sequences.

  • No statistics. No analytics. No user data. I’ve accepted that this site won’t rank in Google or show optimally on social media. That’s fine. Content is king.

See them all here:

Answers to FAQs

Find answers to your top questions here, or send me a message directly.