Joey Dussel

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The Simplest Recipe for Fat Loss

If you’re new, welcome! And welcome back to repeat viewers. Thanks for taking the time for today’s post. I write and create everything myself so you’ll find things very straightforward and to-the-point here. Hope you enjoy!

There’s a lot of info out there, so let me help you by cutting things down for you. Keep it simple. Just four things for you to keep in mind to achieve healthy fat loss. Try incorporate all four (or start with just one) in your daily life.

  1. Drink one glass of water before your meal and another with.
    This will help to fill you up but more importantly, help to improve digestion by allowing food to move better in your stomach and intestines.

  2. Eat more protein
    In my decade of training & coaching, I have found that people lean out when they eat more protein. And lean people eat more protein than overweight people. It’s backed up by science and biology (look up the ‘thermic effect of protein’ and consider the hormonal effect of what you eat); and it’s a relatively simple thing to make happen. Look for ‘complete protein sources’—which you can easily find in anything with a heart and a face…I mean animals. Eat animals as your primary protein source. This is superior to incomplete proteins.

  3. Eat less carbohydrate (sugars)
    This might be the most impactful of all. Reduce carbohydrate intake and try to get as close as you can to eating less than <25 grams of sugar per day. Ensure you understand the difference between a simple carbohydrate and a complex carbohydrate. Here’s a great YouTube video for info (embedded below also).

  4. Eat more fat:
    Fat doesn't make you fat. It’s calorically dense but it doesn’t spike your blood sugar (and then insulin) like carbs do. This provides energy without sending a signal to your body to create body fat. Also, healthy fats are CRUCIAL for your body’s overall health.

More water, more protein, less carbs, and more healthy fats. If you do these four very well, you will get results in weight loss while maintaining good health.

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