Joey Dussel

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On the Importance of Water

If you’re new, welcome! And welcome back to repeat viewers. Thanks for taking the time for today’s post. I write and create everything myself so you’ll find things very straightforward and to-the-point here. Hope you enjoy!

FIRST THING: Drink water FIRST thing in the morning to aid in digestion and boost your health.


Just by losing 2% of the total water in your body, you can decrease performance when exercising by over 25%! Ideally, shoot to drink half of your body weight in ounces a day. Extra during dehydrating activities like travel. Planes and hotels are dehydrating. Drink bottled water each flight and keep them in your rooms.


Water doesn’t have to be ordinary. Try filling a bottle with water and add your favorite fruit like lemon, strawberries, or even cantaloupe! It can add a wonderful flavor to your water and make drinking a lot more fun. Drink it slightly cool instead of cold and it will go down easier.


Ever get sugar cravings? The healthier you eat on a regular basis, the less and less you will crave sugar. But that’s not helpful if you’re in the moment, right?! Here are three quick tips! 1. Drink some water. 2. Take a “breathing break,” sit down for two minutes and focus on nothing but your breathing and listening to your body. 3. Brush your teeth!


Heading to a party and know there’s going to be nothing except for unhealthy foods there? Try drinking a large glass of water and eat an apple before you leave your house. This will help you to say “no thanks” a lot more easily when you get there… and help you to avoid that self-inflicted guilt and upset stomach the next day.


Drink some water! It might seem like the last thing you want to do, but if your bloating is caused by fiber, the water will mix with it and form into a gel solution reducing the bloat.


Start your day off (after your big glass of water of course) with 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up for breakfast. This will give you a great start to your day and boost your metabolism.

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