Joey Dussel

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Check out my YouTube channel

Check out my YouTube channel!

I have almost 500 exercise demonstration videos available for anyone to view for free!

My YouTube channel

I started uploading videos in 2016. In the early day’s I recorded exercise demonstration videos holding my iPhone and filming my good friend DJ Moore of He was a most excellent model for exercise technique as he’s a fitness professional himself.

Pretty soon, we evolved to reserving the training studio space at the club we worked at so that we could film exercise demonstration videos for hours back to back! Why did we need so long? Because we were trying to film every single variation we could possibly think of! We did things with dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells, medicine balls, sandbags, and even more…

A year after that, in 2017, I was pretty happy with 10,000+ views! That was just the beginning though. DJ and I double down and actually rented out the entire training studio so that we could make even better videos.

Now we had abandoned the handheld iPhone in favor of two iPhones on tripods and some Home Depot spotlights pointed towards some foam posterboard to create studio lighting

Images from our first studio shoot

Having two cameras meant suddenly there was a lot more video editing to be done. Yet another skill I had to learn as I was creating my online health and fitness coaching business.

I rarely ever promoted or even talked about my YouTube channel but soon enough I passed 100 subscribers

Then I surpassed 100,000 views! I like to think that this is because my videos are short and to the point, so they load quickly when you are referencing them mid-workout. Also, I don't waste any time trying to convince you to watch the rest of the video — as some YouTubers do to boost their watch time. Instead, we get straight into it so that you can make the most of your workout effort.

Now, I get a monthly email from YouTube letting me know just how many views and minutes of watch time people are dedicating towards my content. I think this is so cool! I really hope that my fitness content is helpful and useful to everyone who views it.

The Home Studio

Now, I create videos and live stream fitness content from my home studio. If you are a regular follower of Fitness Today, you know I have a great workout space decorated with a beautiful hand-painted background and equipped with excellent technology like studio lighting and a really high grade camera!

That's great equipment enables me to produce much better content much more easily sell subscribe to my YouTube channel and look forward to seeing my future videos as soon as the premiere!

Here’s the link again: my YouTube channel

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