Joey Dussel

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Episode #7 Common Mistakes - Two Dumbbells and a Microphone

Common Mistakes

Available now on Spotify & Apple Podcast. Find the show at

In this episode, DJ and I share info on the most common mistakes they see, and what to do about them!

You can just dig into the content after a few minutes of hearing about our recent non-scale victories and outside-the-gym fun & enjoyment -- snowboarding for DJ and tandem biking for me.

Remember that this matters much more than scale results.

Enjoy these topics with easy-to-absorb info & memorable stories.

👉 Breathing (when to think of this, how to do it, timing, duration, techniques, and more)

👉👉sidebar: how your workout can be too stressful

👉 Bracing - keep your spine safe by engaging your core

👉 Pace of movement - control first - how you move is more important than how much you move

The video episode goes up on YouTube today! ⁠⁠

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