Joey Dussel

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Idris Elba said to put your head down and just swim.

Idris Elba said to just swim.

Years ago I heard a snippet from Idris Elba in a motivational video on YouTube. 

He had one line that really resonated with me. 

I couldn’t find the exact video, but here’s a similar one with excerpts from the same interview. (jump to 5:20)

Go watch thirty seconds from that video for context on the rest of this post. 

He talks about swimming — comparing two ways of completing some laps in the pool. 

Head down, working your technique, find your internal rhythm, keep going towards your target. 

Not incrementally checking how far you’ve gone or comparing yourself to others. Focused on the stroke, not the swim. 

That’s what I’ve been doing — head down and doing a lot but not saying anything about it. 

I’ve been working to pivot my in-person fitness training services ever since the pandemic changed everything.

Here’s what I’ve been up to:

  • 125,000+ views and 325 videos on my YouTube challenge 

  • 50,000+ words on more than 24 pages on my website 

  • 500+ fitness LIVEstreams from my spare bedroom turned fitness studio 

Screen capture of thumbnail images from UnDesk livestreams.

I’ve built a whole broadcasting space here at my house. This setup is awesome for fitness sessions — even on a small mobile device!

  • 🎥 High-quality camera

  • 💡💡💡studio lighting

  • 📶 ⚡️ high-speed stable internet

  • 👕 🩳 high visibility wardrobe so you can see me easily

  • 💻+ 🖥 big external display to see you & provide coaching! 😊

  • 750+ lbs of weights and all the home workout gear you could possibly have!

Coach Joey in the home broadcast studio.

Now that I’ve completed my ‘swim’, look forward to seeing more frequent posts here on Fitness Today and on my other social media channels.

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