Joey Dussel

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A Reality Based Body Fat Percentage Scale

A Reality-Based Body Fat Percentage Scale

Body fat percentage is a great way to measure progress if you have a reliable way to measure it. I like using calipers, but using calipers is a skill that most people suck at, including trainers.

Underwater weighing is accurate, but you have to go underwater and empty your lungs (breathe out). It's uncomfortable and a showstopper for most.

A DEXA scan is probably the best. Accurate & scientific and primarily used for bone density testing.

Electric electronic bio-impedance scales used to be ineffective because they weren't reliable. Now there are good ones, but they are super pricey, so you're less likely to interact with a good one.

If you have access to any of these measurement systems, the numbers can be useful. Very useful to let you know when to stop dieting. Some people never feel perfect, no matter how lean they get. Body fat percentage an excellent way to know when you're lean enough and can move on to other things.

A big part of body fat percentage comes down to self-image and body dysmorphia. This affects nearly everyone. I've met women and men who look awesome but who still obsess over some part of their body being too big or too small. I frequently talk to people who look like "After pictures" but who still tell me about some part of their body they want to change.

Never forget that the world does not see you the way you see yourself.

Another thing to never forget is that percentages and scales and inches are just measurements of something else. An inch doesn't matter by itself, neither does a pound, but what matters is what that inch or pound is measuring.

Make sure that something that you measure is related to how your body feels. Think about how your body works daily. How do you feel? What can you do? How reliable or sturdy you are? Measure essential health indicators for longevity as well as the quality of movement and comfort daily.

View Reality-Based Body Fat in an easy-to-print document or on this page of my site.


For women the reality is that there is a lot of different body shapes, much more so than with men. Some women look and feel best at 20%, While others it's at 18%, and for another, it might be 23%.

In other words, if you're more suited to the super sporty and lean look, that's hot and you should go with that. If you got some of those great womanly curves, that's hot and you should hold on to some of those.

Above 30%

There's something to fix

For your health and for how you want to look, you really want to get leaner that 30%

Around 25%

You're above average

TV tells us a woman who is at 25% is average, but the reality is that most of America isn't healthy or average, and you're ahead of many. You have further to go for the major health benefits though.

About 22%

You're really in shape now

You're officially a 'fit person' and you're ahead of 90% of the women in America. You're fit, lean, and strong! There's nothing left to fix. Keep the habits going and enjoy life. Depending on your body type, you might be more comfortable here than any leaner. Pick up a new physical hobby or fun sport or event.

At 20%

You're super lean

You look great in clothes, you can wear whatever you want; you should feel great wearing a swimsuit. Also, around here you should be able to do three chip-ups and deadlift your bodyweight three times. Better be using all this awesome strength for some adventures or fun events! Be confident.

Below 16%

You're a rock star

You can wear and do whatever you want. You can't wait for beach season. Few get here. It's tough to get, tough to maintain, and may not be best for your health or performance. Sacrifices are required to be this lean, and you may find you don't want it as much once you have it.


For guys, it's pretty straightforward; basically, always look and feel better when they are leaner.

Above 24%

There's something to fix

For your health and for how you want to look, you really want to get leaner than 24%

Around 18%

You're above average

TV tells us a man who is at 18% is average, but the reality is that most of America isn't healthy or average, and you're ahead of many. You have further to go for the major health benefits though.

About 14%

You're really in shape now

You're officially a 'fit person' and you're ahead of 90% of the men in America. You're fit, lean, and strong! There's nothing left to fix. Keep the habits going and enjoy life. Depending on your body type, you might be more comfortable here rather than any leaner. Pick up a new physical hobby or fun sport or event.

At 12%

You're wicked lean

You look great in clothes, you can wear whatever you want; you should feel great taking your shirt off at the pool. Also, right about here, you should be able to do ten chip-ups and deadlift one-and-a-half times your body weight three times. And you should use your body to do cool stuff, like a sport or adventure race.

Below 10%

You're a rock star

Most have a really flat stomach and abs at 9%. Women will swoon, guys will give you high-fives and ask for tips. Few get here and you might not want to be here for very long. It's tough to get, tough to maintain, and may not be best for your health or performance. Sacrifices are required to be this lean, and you may find you don't want it as much once you have it.

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