Joey Dussel

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Memorial Day

Never forget that…

this holiday is about more than discount, sales and time off from work.

Another Memorial Day has come. There will be parades and somber ceremonies in military cemeteries and at the gravesides of fallen veterans. but for too many Americans, it will be simply another cherished three-day weekend and time for shopping at Memorial Day Sales.

Today should be a day to honor the sacrifices made. Some volunteered, others were drafted, but they all served and we owe them our gratitude and honor. I write this as a man who has never worn the uniform. I have family & loved ones who have made that commitment and I appreciate their service.

Anyone who wears the uniform has my respect for risking their death or serious injury to protect the vital interest of our country. Their blood should not be shed lightly and their care should not be overlooked. They committed to give everything they had so we should 'give our all' to support them in return.